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Harry Potter Ipsum

I made a Harry Potter-themed Lorem Ipsum generator as a lark in grad school. I haven’t changed it since 2013. It remains the most popular site I’ve ever created.

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Role Art direction, design, coding
Partner Olivia Abtahi



Play Anything

Step 1: Choose any YouTube, Vimeo, or Soundcloud link you'd like. 
Step 2: Copy and paste the URL into the text box.
Step 3: Share digital John Cusack holding your selected video or song with someone you love. Or someone you hate, up to you.


Role Design, coding
EB Davis III, Brooke Doner



Nicolas Cage Art Show

I participated in a Nicolas Cage art show. It's exactly what it sounds like. The show was featured in TimeMashable, and The Huffington Post, to name a few. I created an 8-bit art piece featuring some of Nicolas Cage's most iconic characters and sold it for $100. I guess that technically makes me a professional Nicolas Cage artist. 


From left to right: Nicolas Cage in Raising Arizona, Moonstruck, Con Air, Windtalkers, Adaptation, National Treasure, Ghost Rider, and Kickass